Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Red Pyramid, a book by Rick Riordan, has 514 pages. It is about Carter and Sadie who have god's blood. Their dad died while trying to release five trapped gods. When the kids kill an Egyptian god named Set, they find their dad alive hosting the god of the dead.

The character vs. character conflict is between Carter, Sadie, and Set. They fight because Set is holding Sadie and Carter’s dad in the underworld. One of the last battles they had was at the red pyramid. Set is strong so the fight goes on for a long time. The conflict between Carter and Sadie vs. Set is supreme, because Sadie and Carter want their dad back and the only way for that to happen is they have to win the fight.


  1. I love that book but you ruin the ending for somene who wants to read it!!! Rick Riordan is a writing genius and is coming out with a new book,I can't wait to read it!!!

  2. The new rick riordan book series is the heros of olymapas, another greek book.I personaly think he should contiue with the kane series instead of starting a new series.But I'm still excited to read it!!!

  3. I haven't read them, but now i want to!!!!! Seems way to much like Percy Jackson though...... (The whole greek god's blood thing)
